Saturday, March 1, 2008

The second night of starting immediately with color. Went a little smoother than the image below this one...

This was the first night that I jumped straight into color (skipping the grey-tonal phase).

These were done at the Concept workshop "Revelations" in Seattle this last January during Kevin Chen's Gesture and Proportion class.

Brought back the Stabilos for this session.

First (& as of yet, only) oil painting [Portrait]

This was (is) my first oil painting. It was the result of a 6-week course by The Colorado Academy's David Larrson. Essentially a 15 hour portrait sitting (roughly counting the breaks). As it was drying at home --- parts of it kept bothering me until I covered the eyes with a strip of paper... and "Wah-lah!". Presto Less Lamo!
As with oil, I guess I could go in and change things still --- but, being the first, I'd like to let it stand as it is... mistakes and all.

First of a long string of digital studies...
Schwan Stabilo Pastel Pencils (what used to be my usual thing... nice smooth blends and not too brittle)...nice broad range of colors too.
First local session last year (in may) at the atelier. I only had my sketch stuff with me (not the usual pastel pencils and charcoal)--- so this was a mixed bag of copic wide markers...trias...pastel sticks...colored pencils and some gouache...
(first digital life drawing...) caught the tail end of a pose --- it was really cold up there that night --- so the session ended shortly after I started. Still fun though.

Reboot of Figure Study

I used to go to weekly figure-sessions for several years, but stopped going between 2004 and 2006... Well after the Concept workshop "Insomania" in SanFrancisco late that winter, I was 're-bitten' by the bug. It was there that I took my first stab at a digital figure session and have been pursuing the study throughout this last year.